Healing Spirit Cafe offers In Person Reiki Sessions, Distant Reiki Sessions, Animal Reiki Sessions, and Reiki Certification Classes for all Three Levels. Visit our store for a detailed description of each service.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese form of healing which connects Divine knowledge (Rei) to the life force energy (Ki). Reiki treatments are a natural and safe method of stress reduction and relaxation, that also promotes healing. This time honored modality is administered by "laying on of hands" which promotes the harmonious flow of energy in the body. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. One of the basic teachings of healing with Reiki, is that we are more than our physical bodies. We also have an energy body made up of our aura (energy fields), the chakras (energy centers) and the meridians (energy pathways). Energy blockages contribute to "dis-ease" which can manifest spiritually, emotionally and physically. As a complimentary treatment, Reiki is becoming more widely embraced by many medical institutions.
What are the benefits of Reiki?
What can I expect during a Reiki session?

During your Reiki session, you will be lying on a treatment table (if the session is in person) comfortably clothed. Using a very light touch (or no touch if you prefer) the Reiki energy is channeled through Alicia's hands, re-balancing and recharging your body's own energy. During a Reiki session, Alicia is the channel for the Reiki energy. She does not use her own energy. She is creating an energetic space to support the self-healing process of the person or animal, to whom she is connecting. In reality, each individual is responsible for his or her own healing process, and Reiki is a way to support this. Alicia brings the energy to you, and then it is you, that is in charge of the healing that will take place.
Alicia specializes in helping you to heal emotional issues or blocks, within a safe and nurturing environment. Through the spiritual guidance that she channels, she can target what emotional healing is needed for you to grow and enrich your life. If emotional issues are left untreated or unresolved, they will often manifest as physical problems. Therefore, once you can begin to heal emotionally, physical healing will often follow. Alicia will help you define what emotional issue needs to be addressed, and then offer Reiki energy to assist your soul with this healing process. Depending on how deep rooted the issue is, it may take more than one healing session for Alicia to guide you to the point where you can fully "release" the issue or blockage, helping you to attain a life that is more balanced and full of inner peace and harmony.
The beauty of Reiki energy, is that it works directly with your soul, to ensure that you receive the healing that is best for your own life's plan. You will always get the exact healing that you need. This means that the healing you get, might be different than the healing you expected. It is important for you to be open to whatever healing may occur, and release your need for a certain outcome. Trust that you are receiving exactly what your soul needs at this time. Reiki always acts upon your highest good, even when the effects are not immediately felt. For some, the healing shifts can occur over time, while for others, the changes are immediate and lasting. The best way to know Reiki works, is simply to experience it! All sessions are 2 hours in length.
Alicia specializes in helping you to heal emotional issues or blocks, within a safe and nurturing environment. Through the spiritual guidance that she channels, she can target what emotional healing is needed for you to grow and enrich your life. If emotional issues are left untreated or unresolved, they will often manifest as physical problems. Therefore, once you can begin to heal emotionally, physical healing will often follow. Alicia will help you define what emotional issue needs to be addressed, and then offer Reiki energy to assist your soul with this healing process. Depending on how deep rooted the issue is, it may take more than one healing session for Alicia to guide you to the point where you can fully "release" the issue or blockage, helping you to attain a life that is more balanced and full of inner peace and harmony.
The beauty of Reiki energy, is that it works directly with your soul, to ensure that you receive the healing that is best for your own life's plan. You will always get the exact healing that you need. This means that the healing you get, might be different than the healing you expected. It is important for you to be open to whatever healing may occur, and release your need for a certain outcome. Trust that you are receiving exactly what your soul needs at this time. Reiki always acts upon your highest good, even when the effects are not immediately felt. For some, the healing shifts can occur over time, while for others, the changes are immediate and lasting. The best way to know Reiki works, is simply to experience it! All sessions are 2 hours in length.
Visit our store page to see what kind of Reiki services are offered.
What you might experience during a Reiki treatment
Distant Reiki (also referred to as Remote or Absent Healing)

Reiki is energy, and energy has no bounds! Distant healing is based on the idea that thought travels and transcends space. It is Alicia's thought and intent, that move the energy through space and time. People who wish to receive Distant Reiki can be in another room, another state, or even another continent, and they can still receive the same healing benefits as someone who is receiving a hands-on session. It is the power of intent that makes any healing system, prayer or ceremony effective and powerful. As long as Alicia's intent is to send healing energy, and your intent is to receive this energy, then the energy transfer will be successful. Because Reiki does transcend time and space, you can use a Distant Reiki session to send Reiki to a future event (such as taking a test, a job interview, an operation, or a dentist appointment). A Distant Reiki session can also be used, to send Reiki to a past event. If you have suffered from a past trauma, Reiki can be sent to help heal that past trauma. The energy can help to release the stress held in the body from the trauma of that event. In the case of an emergency situation a Distant Reiki treatment can usually be scheduled the same day or within 24 hours, while that may not be the case for an in-person treatment. View our store page to see the Distant Reiki Services that are offered.
View our store page to see the Distant Reiki Services that are offered.
Animal Reiki Sessions

Reiki is wonderful to use with animals, because it is gentle, noninvasive and doesn't have to require physical contact. It also does not cause stress, discomfort, or pain, and yet it can yield powerful results. Animals respond intuitively to Reiki's power to support the healing of emotional, behavioral, and physical illnesses and injuries. An animal Reiki session/treatment is different from a human session/treatment. The animal does not get on a table or chair for their treatment. The goal of a Reiki treatment is to help the animal relax so they can heal, so Alicia will provide the Reiki healing in whatever environment the animal is most comfortable.
About midway into the healing session, animals will often begin to show signs of accepting the Reiki by relaxing, sitting down, laying down, yawning, licking and chewing in the case of horses, zoning out and sleeping. Animals might need to get up and walk around during the session, getting a drink of water or just needing to move away from the energy. If this happens, Alicia will stay in place allowing the animal to come back for more if they choose. After a Reiki treatment (Distant or Hands On) results can be instantaneous, but usually take about one or two days. Each case is different. Some chronic conditions may require regular treatments for the healing process to complete. You will usually see some signs of improvement, many times dramatic and right away, while others will take more than one session to appear.
Through Animal Reiki healing (hands on or distant), Alicia can help to accelerate your pets own healing processes, ease their pain, and reduce stress and/or anxiety. For dying animals, Reiki is a powerful, yet gentle way to provide comfort, relief from pain, fear, and anxiety, and to ease the transition to death. Animals love receiving Reiki energy and benefit greatly from it.
About midway into the healing session, animals will often begin to show signs of accepting the Reiki by relaxing, sitting down, laying down, yawning, licking and chewing in the case of horses, zoning out and sleeping. Animals might need to get up and walk around during the session, getting a drink of water or just needing to move away from the energy. If this happens, Alicia will stay in place allowing the animal to come back for more if they choose. After a Reiki treatment (Distant or Hands On) results can be instantaneous, but usually take about one or two days. Each case is different. Some chronic conditions may require regular treatments for the healing process to complete. You will usually see some signs of improvement, many times dramatic and right away, while others will take more than one session to appear.
Through Animal Reiki healing (hands on or distant), Alicia can help to accelerate your pets own healing processes, ease their pain, and reduce stress and/or anxiety. For dying animals, Reiki is a powerful, yet gentle way to provide comfort, relief from pain, fear, and anxiety, and to ease the transition to death. Animals love receiving Reiki energy and benefit greatly from it.
Please note, Alicia is not a medical doctor, nor can she diagnose conditions. Reiki is not to be used in place of a medical opinion or any medications that you may be taking. A Reiki healing treatment does not interfere with an already ongoing medical treatment plan. Reiki does no harm and therefore adds to a more enriching lifestyle by bringing your body back into balance. Only 18 and over please.
Note: Travel fees are $1/mile for any addresses farther than 20 miles from zip code 19520.
Copyright © 2014 Healing Spirit Cafe LLC, all rights reserved
Healing Spirit Cafe LLC - 3421 St. Peters Rd., St. Peters, PA 19470 - 484-986-2000
Healing Spirit Cafe LLC - 3421 St. Peters Rd., St. Peters, PA 19470 - 484-986-2000